Embodied Mental Health First Aid (E-MHFA)

Embodied Mental Health First Aid (E-MHFA) with The Mind Body Project

Beyond Mental Health First Aid.  We know that trauma impacts mental health and lives in the body.  That’s why we created E-MHFA, to learn the basics of mental health combined with lighthearted stress relief practices. This program is a combination of our previous work in Trauma Informed Facilitation and Somatics!

This full 3-part program includes the foundations of Trauma and Mental Health, Language and Case Studies and Resources personalized to the challenges and themes of your organization. This program is ideal for smaller groups of leaders (<25) who truly want to embrace a culture of compassion within the organization.  E-MHFA includes both personal and departmental intakes, so that the facilitator can begin to understand each individual participant and departmental vibe.

Upon completion, participants will have a better understanding of how trauma and mental health affect personality and behavior, how to non-judgmentally support colleagues and how to find appropriate resources for mental health intervention. Oh, and we also turn your office space into a mini retreat that is cozy and inspiring. 

Part 1: Intro to Foundations of Trauma and Mental Health (3 hours) 

-Includes Participant Intake

Part 2: Language + Case Studies (3 hours) 

-Includes Departmental Intake

Part 3: Resources + Recap (3 hours, includes extended Q+A)

[Example Client background and goals]

  1. Help supervisors identify behavior that may indicate underlying mental health concerns. [Part 1]

  2. Practice supporting someone with a mental health concern. What questions to ask? [Part 2]

  3. What is a challenge versus a crisis? [Part 3]

  4. Learn to be the first line of support for colleagues [All.]

  5. Enhance the culture of compassion and empathy at work and beyond. [All.]