Coping Strategies for Highly Sensitive People

Tips for parents, caregivers and Highly Sensitive People themselves.

Compilation by Erin Henshaw, MSW

What is a Highly Sensitive Person, HSP?

Scientific Definition: A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a neurodivergent individual who is thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli. Some refer to this as having sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS for short.

Superpowers of HSP: They can perceive more than is possible for the average person. This can include people's thoughts, feelings, intentions, and emotions.

Challenges: Easily overwhelmed and bored, feeling and acting out of control, connecting socially, trouble being understood.  

When raising Highly Sensitive Children, please remember:

1.     Nothing is wrong with them

2.     Make the environment peaceful by limiting disorganization and over-stimulation

3.     Watch who they associate with and guide them towards good matches for friends

4.     Never mock them

5.     Use different disciplinary measures, do not subject them to pain or suffering

6.     Give them more rest and time

7.     Encourage them to talk

8.     Be an emotion coach

9.     Improve their collaboration skills

10.  Praise them

11.  Teach them boundaries

12.  Develop their creativity and imagination

13.  Support communication skills

14.  Teach them to handle pressure

15.  They need lots of exercise

16.  Encourage gratitude through challenge

17. Encourage time with nature and animals


Coping Strategies for Highly Sensitive People:

1.     Create a routine that allows for some flexibility

2.     Lots of Sleep (More than 8 hours a night)

3.     Improve self-esteem (by doing things you are good at, around people who love you)

4.     Get massages and bodywork

5.     Listen to great music

6.     Have alone time

7.     Improve diet (good hydration, less processed foods and sugar, more protein and veggies)

8.     Take Breaks

9.     Practice mindfulness (paying attention in the present moment without distrations)


Things HSP Require:

1.     Meaningful relationships

2.     Decompression Den (low sensory place to recharge)

3.     Conflict Management Skills

4.     Enough time

5.     Healthy Meals

6.     Minimalism

7.     Considerate People

8.     Meaning and Purpose

9.     Sensory stimulation (fun and happy moments)

10.  Friends

How to deal with people as a HSP:

1.     Always keep your cool

2.     Mind your own business

3.     Set boundaries

4.     Learn to see the bigger picture

5.     Choose your battles wisely

6.     Separate the person from the issue

7.     Have a sense of humor

8.     Ask for help

9.     Become experienced with many types of situations


*adapted from Kimberly Moon